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Lifezone Training

Newsletter Edition 2010

You Can Make Their Day and YOURS


Ten Tips for the Leader About Building Employee Motivation and Morale at Work

You can make their day or break their day. It is really your choice as LEADER. It is one of the hallmark of companies that went from Good to Great.

You are the most powerful factor in employee motivation and morale other than the decisions individuals make on their own about liking their work or not.

By your words, your body language, and the expression on your face, as a manager, supervisor, or leader, you telegraph your opinion of their value to the people you employee.
Remember -Feeling valued is ranked higher by most of employees then liking the work, competitive pay, opportunities for training and advancement, and feeling "in" on the latest news.

Therefore as manager, supervisor, or a leader, you indicated the values to the team member through your body language, the facial expressions and your choice of words.

Feeling valued by their LEADER in the workplace is key to high employee motivation and morale. This is both challenging and yet supremely simple. It requires that you pay attention every day to profoundly meaningful aspects of your impact on life at work.

Your Arrival at Work Sets the Tone for the Day

Scenario: Mr. Stressed-Out and Miserable. He arrives at work with a frown on his face. His body language telegraphs "over-worked" and unhappy. He moves slowly and treats the first person who approaches him abruptly. It only takes a few minutes for the entire workplace to get the word. Stay away from Mr. Stressed-Out and Grumpy if you know what's good for you this morning.

Your arrival and the first moments you spend with staff each day have an immeasurable impact on positive employee motivation and morale./p>

Start the day right. Smile, Walk tall and confidently. Walk around your workplace and greet people. Share the goals and expectations for the day. Let the staff know that today is going to be a great day. It starts with you. You can make their day.

Tips, outlined are the keys to Leadership Success in creating positive employee motivation and morale. The challenge is to incorporate them into your skill set and do them consistently

1. Choice of WORDS are important - so use Simple, Powerful Motivational Words

How often do you take the time to use these simple, powerful words, and others like them, in your interaction with staff? You can make their day.

I really appreciate your efforts - that task was well done - Marvellous for.

Achieving/completing the job  -and "you're doing a good job." 

Also don't forget to be polite by saying "please" and "thank you"

2. Make Sure People Know What You Expect

In the best book I've read on the subject, Why Employees Don't Do What They're Supposed to Do and What to Do about It, by Ferdinand Fournies, setting clear expectations is often a Leader's first failure.

Managers think they have clearly stated work objectives, numbers needed, report deadlines and requirements, but the employee received a different message. Or, the requirements change in the middle of the day, job, or project. While the new expectations are communicated - usually poorly - the reason for the change or the context for the change is rarely discussed. This causes staff members to think that the company leaders don't know what they are doing.

Hardly a confidence, morale-building feeling. This is bad news for employee motivation and morale. Make sure you get feedback from the employee so you know he understands what you need.

Share the goals and reasons for doing the task or project. In a manufacturing environment, don't emphasize numbers if you want a quality product finished quickly.

If you must make a change midway through a task or a project, tell the staff why the change is needed; tell them everything you know. You can make their day.

3. Provide Regular Feedback to your Staff

You must identify first is knowing how they are doing at work. Your staff members need the same information. They want to know when they have done a project well and when you are disappointed in their results. They need this information as soon as possible following the event. They need to work with you to make sure they produce a positive outcome the next time. Set up a daily or weekly schedule and make sure feedback happens.

Often Leaders are known to pick on faults or mistakes yet good work is rarely rewarded with good words. People Need Positive feedback well regularly.

4. It Ain't Magic. It's Discipline.

Leaders frequently ask, "How do I motivate employees?"
It's one of the most common questions I am asked. Wrong question.

Ask instead, "How do I create a work environment in which individual employees choose to be motivated about work goals and activities?" That question I can answer.

The right answer is that, generally, you know what you should do; you know what motivates you. You just do not consistently, in a disciplined manner, adhere to what you know about motivation.

5. Offer Continue Learning for your team and yourself.

Use whatever access you have to trainingto develop your staff and yourself. If you don't have an internal trainer then seek an external Consultant or a training company.

Create a plan to offer training and start talking with your Human Resources professionals for delivery. The ability to continuously learn keeps you moving in your career and through all the changes we'll see in the next decade.

Training Should help all as - how to:

• Listen and communicate well
• Plan and execute projects
• Make right decisions
• Delegate tasks and projects
• Give clear and proper instructions
• Provide Proper progressive discipline
• Provide feedback, praise and recognition
• Write emails, reports and performance evaluations
• Make Presentations
• Manage Time
• Solving Problem and follow up for continuous improvement
• Manage Meetings
• Interview and hire employees
• Build a teamwork environment.

What does all this have to do with motivation, you may ask? Everything. The more comfortable and confident you are about these work competencies, the more time, energy, and ability you have to devote to spending time with staff and creating a motivating work environment.

6. Make Time for People

Make time to spend time daily with each person you supervise. Managers might aim for an hour a week with each of their direct reports.

Many studies, over the years, clearly indicate that a work motivation factor is spending positive interaction time with the supervisor. Schedule quarterly performance development meetings on a public calendar so people see when they can prepare for extra time and attention from you, focused on them. You can make their year.

7. Focus on the Development of People

Most people want to learn and grow their skills at work. No matter their reason: a promotion, different work, a new position or a leadership role, they appreciate your help. Talk about changes they want to make to their jobs to better serve their customers. Encourage experimentation and taking reasonable risk to develop their skills.

Get to know them personally. Ask what motivates them. Ask what career objectives they have and are aiming to achieve. Make a development plan with each person and make sure you help them carry the plan out. The quarterly performance development meeting is your opportunity to formalize plans for people. You can make their career

8. Provide Leadership

People expect you to know the goals and share the direction in which your work group is heading. The more you can tell them about why an event is happening, the better.

Prepare staff in advance if visitors or customers will come to your workplace. Hold regular meetings to share information, gain ideas for improvement, and train new policies. Hold focus groups to gather input before implementing policies that affect employees. Promote problem solving and process improvement teams.

Above all else, to effectively lead a work group, department, or unit, you must take responsibility for your actions, the actions of the people you lead, and the accomplishment of the goals that are yours.

If you are unhappy with the caliber of the people you are hiring, whose responsibility is that? If you are unhappy about the training people in your work group are receiving, whose responsibility is that? If you are tired of sales and accounting changing your goals, schedule, and direction, whose responsibility is that? If you step up to the wire, people will respect you and follow you. You are creating a work environment in which people will choose motivation. It does start with you. You can make their DAY

Compiled and Designed by
Bip Parmar

Course Schedule

23rd May


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11th & 12th June


Successful 'O' Style Leadership

23rd & 24th June


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