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Winning Goals


We get what we focus on in life.

Most of us dream but few really write down and plan their goals. Visibility is importance to help you realize your goals. You can reach your destination with a well-laid out map or take alternative route in case of difficulty.

Therefore it is vital to ink your dreams into Goals so you can map out the steps leading to them.

Power of FOCUS

Focus where you are going and keep your focus on your goals regularly. We get what we focus on in life. The result of where are and what we are today is related to what we decide to focus on.

First we must learn to CONTROL our FOCUS.

By changing our focus, we instantly change the quality of our life. In fact, when you make a change in focus, you can immediately go from being totally depressed to totally energised.

Remember: We get what we focus on.

What you focus on determines how you'll feel!

In fact, whether you are succeeding at what you're doing right now in your career, your personal life, your health, or your relationships is largely a reflection of what you are focusing on in these areas of your life-or if you are even focusing on those areas at all.

Is all your focus on your job at the expense of your personal life?

Why do we need to set Goals?

Many peoples’ lives are just like river.

River starts flowing from the mountain and finally reaches its destination – the sea.

As it gets towards the flatter ground its slows down like old age.

Do we just let our lives trickle down the slopes feeling helpless that we are not in control?

Do we let the life take the turns and runs as it wants to, whenever and wherever?

Often we get into our ‘Comfort zones’ letting our lives run as it is cosy.

River nowadays can be made to change its course or made to utilize its flow to generate power through dams.

Thus adding value to its purpose of flow - Can we add value to purpose of flow or our life?

Planning the future or setting goals becomes sometimes routine, yet mostly unaccomplished.

Personal goals are usually achieved under pressure, scarcity or adversity.

So we need to decide own our goals for the rest of our life to flow better.

Author: Bip Parmar

Key Factors for GOAL Achievement:

1. A clear written GOAL with a sense of  purpose in life

2. Goals must be concrete and specific

3. Ability to stay focused and concentrate on your Effort

4. You Must believe in your Goals

5. Willing to do whatever it takes, rather look for Excuses

6. Staying Positive (despite setbacks) hence control your Negativethoughts

7. Remain Passionate and committed to your goal

8. Become Proactive rather than Reactive

9. Persist in the face of difficulties - there never is a smooth ride.
   Persistence will help you achieve and not procrastination

10. Be willing to learn and adapt – as life is about learning and yearning

11. Increase awareness by making your Goal visible - Screensaver, Mirror etc.

12. Self-discipline must be applied

13. Time Frame must be set for completion/ achievement

14. Break your Goals into smaller Goals with relative deadlines

Author: Bip Parmar

Why we really don’t set goals?

1. Lack of Purpose in Life – let life flow

2. Busyness – tangled in RAT-RACE

3.Laziness - Failed to make the time as maybe not important

4.Busy with pleasing others and doing things for others

5.Overloaded with too many interests and activities

6.Lack of Belief in self

7. Fear of failure or too much Success

DREAM NOT Followed by ACTION is just a WISH. Commit yourself to the FIRST STEP.

What would you do differently TODAY if you had a second chance to go back in your life?

What can you DO DIFFERENTLY TODAY so that 5 years later you dont regret wasting your life?

Don’t have life without Goals

When you set your Goals- then:

1. Ask why do you really want to achieve?

2. Ask why these goals are important to you?

3. What are you prepared to do to Succeed?

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Course Schedule

23rd May


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Successful 'O' Style Leadership

11th & 12th June


Successful 'O' Style Leadership

23rd & 24th June


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